Scipio | History | The Roman Military


During Ceaser's war for power, Pompey did have allies to help stop Caesar. One of the more prominent allies of Pompey was Metellus Scipio, a powerful politician who had great influence with the army in the vicinity of Rome.

Born to Publius Scipio Nasica, he was later adopted by Quintus Metellus Pius, a Roman leader. During his tenure in Rome, he was one of the first people to realize the danger that Caesar posed. Scipio was the first to speak out against the possible danger of Ceaser's army in Gaul, and the first to demand Caesar to disband his soldiers. Caesar refused, and Scipio called for Caesar to be deemed a traitor and an "enemy of the people." Scipio's resistance to Caesar impressed many of the Senate and in 49 BCE, right at the beginning of the civil war, Scipio was given the title of Ruler of Syria. As the civil war grew in intensity, Scipio kept his attitude of Caesar, and joined forces with Pompey. The fight was a futile one, though. Caesar was able to push Pompey and Scipio farther and farther South, into Sicily and eventually over the Mediterranean Sea. The civil war was brutal, and Pompey was defeated by Caesar at Pharsalus. Scipio took over Pompey's forces after that, but was quickly taken by Ceaser's superior military. Escaping to Africa, Scipio fled after his defeat. The circumstances of his death aren't known, but suicide is a possibility.